Create demos part 1: create & share templates


To create a demo, first use a template. Then when you’ve captured screens and added all the features you want, you’ll preview the demo, publish, and share. 

But first things first. Let’s take a look at templates and everything you can do. We've split the article into bite-sized chunks. Take it easy, you can always come back for a refresher.

In this article

Create templates

The simplest way to create a template is to use one of our mockups and then insert your own image into it.  You can:

  • Create your own screens using the Walnut capture extension or 
  • Use an existing Walnut screen mockup and then import your own image onto the mockup.
  • Of course, you can mix and match your own screens with Walnut mockup mockups, giving your demo a varied and super-professional look.
  • When you replace the mockup with your own image, it’s static, so you can’t make changes to the image, but of course you can add guides on top of the image!

Create a template from your own captures

Here’s the workflow. 

Create a template using Walnut capture
  1. Navigate to My Library, click New and select Template.
  2. Name the template and add a tag (optional).
  3. Click Done.  A new screen opens with information about creating your story.
  4. Add a description of your story and check out some of our examples.
  5. Then, at the bottom right of the screen, click Capture with Walnut. This opens the Walnut capture extension. From there, capture the screen/you want.

The screen/s you captured open in the template Editor, ready to add guides to enhance your story.

Create a template based on a Walnut mockup

Our desktop and mobile template mockups are a real time saver. You pick a template (we’ve several) and then insert your own image into the template. Then add some a text, a tooltip or hotspot, and you've created a great screen in minutes!

Choose from one of these mockups.

Here are two worlfows:

- Create a template from scratch using Walnut mockups.

-  Insert Walnut mockups into an existing template

Create a new template using a Walnut screen mockup:
  1. Navigate to My Library, click New and select Template.
  2. Name the template and add a tag (optional).
  3. Click Done.  A new screen opens with information about creating your story.
  4. Add a description of your story and check out some of our examples.
  5. Then, at the bottom right of the screen, click Import from Templates
  6. At the next screen, click the link Screens Library and select the mockup you want; there are several.
  7. In addition to different screen sizes, you have the option to use a template that’s ready for you to add text and/or if you want a background or not. There are four options:
    1. Screenshot Upload: upload any screenshot without any background or border
    2. Mobile App With Text: add text next to the mobile phone
    3. Mobile App: add a mobile phone with a blank background
    4. Desktop App: add a screenshot of a desktop application that cannot be captured with the Walnut extension
  8. Select the screen or screens you want,  then click Done. The screens are added to your template. 
  9. As this is a new template, when you click a screen  you’ve imported, Walnut asks you if you want to create guides from  scratch or if you want Walnut to generate a set of starter guides. Of course, you can change them or delete them if they’re not what you want.
  10. For now, select Build your own and click Let’s start.
  11. Click the mockup screen that you’ve just imported  and the Edit toolbar appears in the template header.

  12. The first things to do is to change the image. The mockup gives you the recommended dimensions. Click Change Media to insert the image either from your PC or using a URL
With the aid of our mockups you're ready to add some guides, so head over to the article Create demos part 4: create demo guides.

Insert a Walnut screen mockup into an existing template:
  1. If you already have a template, open the Editor and from the left pane click Insert screen.
  2. At the next screen, click the link Screens library.
  3. Select the screen or screens you want,  then click Done. The screens are added to your template. 
  4. Click the mockup screen that you’ve just imported and the Edit toolbar appears in the template header.

  5. The first things to do is to change the image. The mockup gives you the recommended dimensions. Click Change Media to insert the image either from your PC or using a URL

With the aid of our mockups you're ready to add some guides, so head over to the article Create demos part 4: create demo guides.

Edit templates

To edit a template, navigate to My Library (or your folder location) and click the row. The template opens in edit mode.

There are lots of ways to edit a template and we’ll explain the options in the relevant workflows and articles. For now, get to know the Editor header  - you’ll use it a lot! 

Help (#1)
Preview (#2)
Create & share demo (#3)
Add collaborators (#4)
Show / hide side pane (#5)
Presenter notes (#6)
Right hand toolbar (#7): guides, smart objects, variables, find & replace, presenter notes, settings
Screens side pane (#8)

Options in the Settings pane

The Settings pane has four main sections, each with several settings.


Email collection, disable spinner, clickable area color, smooth screen transition, auto-linking. Autoplay all screens.


Autoplay, buttons, style, avatar, dim, demo floating button, interactions, adding modals, hotspots, tooltips. We cover all these in the article Create demos part 4: create demo guides.


Custom code

Global CSS and Javascript. If you’re a code guru, this is for you!

WARNING. The code you add is not validated by Walnut. Be sure to check your live demo still works as expected after making any changes.

Display options

Display settings for browser and mobile demos, including changing the background color to match your brand. For more, head over to the article Create demos part 2: set display settings.

The right-click menu

When you want to change an element in your template, open the right-click menu.

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 12.40.55.png

Duplicate element

Hide element

Reset changes

Blur element

Edit source

A warning screen opens. If you’re good to proceed, click Continue to source code and make the changes.

Create variables

Right-click the element and select Create variables. Head over to the article Create variables.

Select parent element

  1. Right-click the element and select Select Parent Element. Your mouse will move to the higher level element (the parent).
  2. Make the edits required.
Pin to element

Use this option to keep an element in a specific position. You can also use it to move a tooltip to a different position.

  1. Right-click the element and select Pin to Element.  A pane opens. 

  2. Click the location to pin the element.
  3. Click Done.
Release or delete element

To release: click Release pinning.

To delete: right-click the element and select Delete.

Add collaborators

Here's the workflow.

To add people who can collaborate with you on this demo:
  1. From My Library (or the location of the template), click the 3 dots icon and select Add collaborators from the dropdown.
  2. Add the user/s and give the relevant access to each one.

    • Only collaborators can access (#1) : Select from Only collaborators can access or everyone at Walnut GTM.
    • Add users or groups (#2): Only collaborators on the list can edit or view this template based on their role / permissions. For more on roles, head over to Account setup.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat for each collaborator.

Use multi-edit

With multi-edit, you can shape up your template screens with others in real time. As you work, you’ll see your team member’s cursor also. This is a great way to enhance efficiency, saving back and forth emails. 

Manage tags

Here's the workflow.

To manage tags:
  1. From My Library (or the location of the template), click the 3 dots and select Manage tags  from the dropdown.
  2. Select one or more tags or create a new one.

Add sections

Sections help you organize the demo to suit your story and key messages.

Here's the workflow.

To add a section:
  1. Open the template in Edit mode.
  2. Go to the bottom of the left pane and click + Add.

  3. Select Add Section. A new screen opens.
  4. Add the screens you want or import from another template.
    1. If you import from an existing template, decide if you want to import the Guides and/or content edits.

When you have the screens you want, click Done.

Move templates

Sometimes you need to move templates to a different location.

Here's the workflow.

To move templates:
  1. From My Library (or the location of the template), click the 3 dots and select Move to  from the dropdown.
  2. Select the folder or create a new one.

Duplicate templates

Duplicating a template can be a timesaver.

Here's the workflow.

To duplicate a template:
  1. From My Library (or the location of the template), click the 3 dots and select Duplicate from the dropdown.
  2. Decide where you want to store the duplicate.
  3. Click Duplicate.

Rename templates

We all change our minds about how to name a demo, particularly when you've a lot of them!

Here's the workflow.

To rename a template:
  1. From My Library (or the location of the template), click the 3 dots and select Rename from the dropdown.
  2. Enter a new name.
  3. Click Done.

Delete templates

It's not possible to delete a template but you can archive it.

Here's the workflow.

To archive a template:
  1. Navigate to the location of the template, 
  2. Click the 3 dots dropdown and select Archive.
  3. Oops! If you did that by mistake, click Dismiss!

Restore deleted templates

It happens. You archived a template but now you want it back!

Here's the workflow.

To restore a deleted template:
  1. From the Home page or a library, click Filter By and select Archived.
  2. Click the 3 dots and select Restore.

Add templates to favorites

Why not make life easy and add regular templates to your favorites?

Here's the workflow.

To mark a template as a favorite:
  1. Navigate to the library where the template is located.
  2. Mark the template as a favorite and then 
  3. Filter by Favorites.

Track template details

It’s easier than ever to collaborate with your team and track key details of each demo and template in your library.

Here's the workflow.

To track template details:
  1. Click the demo or template. A side panel opens.

  2. There are three tabs:
    • Details: Created by, last modified by, demos using this template. Add a description. Once you’ve created a few demos, it helps to have short descriptions about each template, to refresh memories!
    • Edits: Info edits using elements like variables, guides, smart objects.
    • Comments: Lists comments you or others add.

Find & replace text

Find & Replace also locates text that is formatted behind an overlay and cannot be edited from the frontend!

Oops! Made a mistake? No problem, click Ctrl Z or Command Z (Mac).

Here are the workflows.

To find and replace text on screens:
  1. Click the Find & Replace icon in the right hand toolbar. This opens the Find & Replace pane.

  2. Type the text to find and press Enter.
  3. Click the Screens tab to see the text found.
  4. Enter the replacement text and when you’re sure you want to replace all, click Replace All.

To find and replace text in guides and variables: Head over to these articles:

Replace demo screens

Demos are based on the screens in a template. What if you’ve got a demo configured just how you want it but you want some different screens that are in another template? 

Here's the workflow.

To replace demo screens:
  1. Open the template with the old screens.
  2. Delete the screens.
  3. Import the new screens. Go to the left pane and click the + icon and select Add screen.
  4. A new screen opens. Select the screens to import from the Import from template  tab.
  5. Select the template and then the screens to import.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Preview and check that the guides and links work as expected.
  8. Then click Create & Share demo to get a new link to share.

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