Sometimes you’ll want to create guided demos, at others, a non guided demo will work best. In this article we’ll show you how to create the guides for a guided demo. We’ll use three different types of guides: modals, tooltips and hotspots.
Because there’s quite a bit to go through, we’ve split the article into bite-sized chunks. Take it easy! It’s an article you might want to come back to for a refresher!
In this article
- Before you start
- The Guides side pane
- Guide settings
- Get to know the Guide toolbar
- Create modals
- Create tooltips
- Create hotspots
- Preview guides
- Create custom elements
- Edit and rearrange guides
- Find & replace guides
- Publish & share
- Specific use cases
Before you start
Here are a few things to note before you start:
- You can edit guides that are modals and tooltips, whereas the only setting for hotspots is a change of color.
- If you have your guide settings set at the template level, you can still go in and modify the settings for an individual guide.
The Guides side pane
From the right hand toolbar, click the Guide icon. This opens the Guides pane.
The Guides pane has these icons (left to right).
Translate guides
Guide settings
Add a modal, tooltip or hotspot
Close the Guides pane
You can create guides from here or from the Guide toolbar that shows when you click an element.
Guide settings
There’s so much you can do with guides.
From the right hand toolbar, click the Guides icon . This opens the Guides pane. Then click the Gear icon to reveal all the options.
We’ll explain each dropdown in turn and link you to articles with more in-depth workflows.
There are times when ‘less is more’ and the best way to get your message across is a demo that’s just ‘click and view’. You can set the whole demo to autoplay (global setting) or set a specific guide or screen to autoplay (local setting). It’s up to you.
- When autoplay in ON, guides show in the sequence you’ve set.
- For using global and local autoplay settings, head over to the article Autoplay demos.
Set the toggle to OFF if you don’t want any of these to show in the demo.
Default Next Button
When ON, new guides have a Next button added when you create a guide that requires a click to continue.
Default Button Label
By default, the label is Next, but you can change it to whatever you want.
Show Back Button
When ON, viewers can go back to the previous guide.
Show Dismiss Button
When ON, viewers can click X in the top right of the guide to dismiss (close) it.
Set the font family, size and colors as you want them. The accent color emphasizes color elements such as the active tab, focused input texts, back button etc.
Show Avatar
When ON, the avatar you set will show in your Guides. In our example, we’ve set the Walnut avatar. Of course, you can upload your own.
Avatar Title
Add a title if you want.
Avatar Personalization
When ON, it’s possible to swap out one avatar for another. This is great when you want to build on your creativity by using the customer’s avatar, or you want other team members to customize the demo and insert their own avatar.
For more on avatars, head over to the article Create avatars.
Dim By Default
OFF by default. Dims the surrounding image (background).
Dim Style
When Dim by Default is ON, you can set the intensity of the darkened background.
Demo Floating Button
The Demo Floating Button adds a clickable "Call to Action" (CTA) across all screens in a template. This lets users pause the demo and take the next step you want them to e.g., visit a link or submit a lead form. In the image above, the Demo Floating Button is ON.
- You can only have one demo floating button per template.
- The color of the button uses the accent color in your guide style settings.
To add a Demo Floating button:
- Set the Enabled toggle to ON.
- Add the call to action text and the link (lead form or external link).
- Set the position for the button to show on the screen.
- Click Done. The floating button will now show on all the demo screens.
Smooth Scrolling
When ON and there is more than one guide on a screen, Walnut scrolls to the next guide.
Celebrate Guide Completion
When ON, a spray of confetti appears on the screen when viewers complete all the guides.
Get to know the Guide toolbar
When you create guided demos, knowing the Guide toolbar helps you build your demo, fast. The toolbar opens when you click an element on a screen.
#1 Opens the Guides side pane.
#2 Add a guide / step.
The Guide toolbar knows what you clicked on to create a guide - it’s dynamic! Here, I clicked the text ‘Target Account’ (#7). If I click an image, then the Guide toolbar shows an option to change the image.
- Add a link (#1): Link to a screen in the template or another url.
- Add a guide (#2): modal, tooltip or hotspot
Settings (#3): Opens a range of options: Show / hide buttons, avatar, modal size, autoplay audio, dim.
- Variables (#4): Creates an element that you can add to other templates e.g, your avatar
- Select a parent element (#5): Use the element that is part of your element hierarchy.
- Target element (#7): The element on the screen that I want to explain / use as part of my story.
Create modals
A modal is a small screen that pops up in the middle of the main screen. They’re a key part of telling your story. When the viewer clicks Next, the modal disappears and another guide appears to continue the story.
#1: The selected/target element.
#2: Modal toolbar.
#3: Text editor button (expands with more options).
#4: Modal area to add your text / image.
#5: Next button. Click to edit the text.
#6: Add a button.
Here's the workflow.
To add a modal:
- Click the target element to open up the guide toolbar or use the guides side pane.
You can also create a guide from the sidebar.
- Click the Guide icon and select Modal.
- The modal appears in the center of the screen.
- Add your text.
- Add / edit the button
- When you’re ready, click Done.
Create tooltips
Tooltips contain short helper tips / explanations of a specific term. Hover over the term and the tooltip pops up.
#1: Text editor.
#2: Change the Guide type.
#3: Change the selected/target element.
#4: Change the position.
Here are the workflows.
To add a tooltip:
- Click the target element to open up the Guide toolbar or use the Guides side pane.
- Click the Guide icon (#2) and select Tooltip. The tooltip opens.
- Add short text in the tooltip area.
- When you’re ready, click Done.
To change the position of a tooltip:
- Select the tooltip and click the Change annotation position icon in the Guide toolbar.
- This opens the layout options. Select the position you want. Here I've selected the 'below' position, and you can see that the tooltip has moved.
- Click Done and you're done!
Create hotspots
Hotspots glow! Hover over the glow and hotspot text appears. They’re a great way to highlight specific products or product features.
#1: Change the Guide type.
#2: Change the selected/target element.
#3: Change the hotspot color.
#4: Gear icon - hotspot settings: Glow type (beacon/glow), hotspot position, autoplay guide step, dim.
Here's the workflow.
To add a hotspot:
- Click the target element to open the Guide toolbar or use the Guides side pane.
- Click the Guide icon (#2) and select Hotspot.
- Use the Gear icon (#4) to open Settings and configure the hotspot as you want it.
- When you’re ready, click Done.
Preview guides
Now that you’ve added guides to showcase elements and tell your story, you want to see how viewers will see it. Use Preview.
Here's the workflow.
To preview Guides before publishing:
- Open the template in editor mode.
- From the header, click Preview.
- Click the guides in turn (unless autoplay is on!).
- To change the order of elements or add other settings, open up the editor.
- From the right hand toolbar, click the Guides icon . This opens the Guide Settings pane. Then click the Gear icon to reveal all the options.
- Take some time to go through the options.
- When you think you’ve got what you want, click Save.
- Then from the header, click Preview.
- Repeat opening the editor, changing the settings, saving and then previewing until you’ve got the result you want.
Create custom elements
Custom elements are handy when you want to add a Guide in a location on a screen where there is no existing element.
Here's the workflow.
To create a custom element:
- Open the template in Edit mode. From the right hand toolbar, click the Guides icon . This opens the Guides pane.
- In the Guides pane click the gear icon and select Display Options.
- Select Proportional Fit. This scales the screen proportionally to fit the browser size and preserve captured aspect ratio.
- Next select the custom element icon (top left of the subheader) and draw the element on the screen,
- The Guide toolbar shows. Add a link and/or Guide to the element.
Edit and rearrange guides
Guides play in the order you set. You’ve made some changes and now you see that your guides are in the wrong order; it happens. No problem; a simple drag and drop will move guides to where you want them to be.No problem; a simple drag and drop will move guides to where you want them to be.
You can:
- Change the order of guides on the same screen
- Move guides to a different screen or section.
Here are the workflows.
To change the order of guides on the same screen:
In this example, I have two guides for screen 1, but they are in the wrong order. I need to change that.
- Select the screen (left pane). The guides for that screen show on the right.
Click and drag the guide you want to move and drag it to the new position.
To move guides to a different screen:
- Right click the guide to open a menu.
- Select Move and click the screen you want to move it to.
NOTE: The first screen has a yellow flag indicating that this is the first screen. So the first Guide on that screen will be the first to play.
Find & replace guides
We all need to use Find & Replace.
Here's the workflow.
To find and replace text on guides:
- From the right hand toolbar the Find & Replace icon. This opens a new pane.
- The Find & replace pane opens. Type the text to find and press Enter.
- Click the Guide Steps tab to see the text found.
- Enter the replacement text and when you’re sure you want to replace all, click Replace All.
Publish & share
You’ve added guides and customized them just how you want them. Now you’re good to publish the demo and share it. So head over to the article Create demos part 5: publish & share.
Specific use cases
Here are some tips for specific use cases.
1. Positioning error message
If you see a 'Positioing' error message, it means that the annotation needs pinning to a specific location. Jump to the section Tooltips in this article, and see the workflow > To change the position of a tooltip.
2. Open a form at the end of the demo
Navigate to the last guide and add the link modal or tooltip's action button.
3. Attach a guide to a custom element rather than the ‘Next’ button
- Delete the ‘Next’ button.
- Draw a custom element (see the section Create custom elements.
- Attach the Guide to the custom element.
4. Move the Guide toolbar
It’s not possible to move the Guide toolbar, but you can remove it from the template if needed.
- Navigate to the folder where you have stored the demo. Hover over the row and from the 3 dots select Demo Preferences.
- Click the Link Settings tab and set the Show Guide toolbar to OFF.
- Click Copy Link and Save.