You must be a Walnut admin to use this feature. Learn more here.
Stay on top of your deals with real-time notifications in your Slack workspace! With the Walnut Slack integration you and your team can get notified in real-time about who is viewing your demos. This way, you can quickly start follow up conversations and gather feedback from your viewers.
Integrating Slack
Enter the tab in Walnut and press
next to Slack.
In order to enable the integration, you will first have to approve our Slack app with your Slack admin, by submitting a request. To submit a request click on Connect.
Start with Creating a new authentication - you can choose a name for your authentication. This will be used to manage the integration within Walnut only.
Once you created the authentication name, a new tab will be opened and you’ll be able to send a request to your Slack admin.
Once your request has been approved by the Slack admin, you’ll receive a message in your own Slack bot. Return to Walnut to proceed.
Return to Walnut, and create a new authentication.
Approve the requested permissions.
That’s it, the integration has been set up and your new Walnut-notifications slack channel will be automatically created with the first demo played. The Walnut-notifications channel is a public channel, to which you’ll be able to invite any member of your Slack workspace, without any additional setup from their side
To disable the integration after the set-up has been completed, toggle the on/off button. You can always turn it back on afterwards.
For a more hands-on walkthrough, we (obviously) have an interactive demo for you!
Important To Note 📝
- If you’ve tried out the Slack integration and want to revert your settings back, simply toggle the feature off, or tap Configure, and then Disconnect which will undo the integration completely. If you choose to Disconnect it, you'll have to set it up again following the instructions.