Step 2: Installing the Walnut App in Salesforce

Walnut for Salesforce is a managed package app that pushes your Walnut demos data into your Salesforce account. With the package installed, any tracked demo session will be pushed to the relevant Salesforce accounts, opportunities and contacts as a custom object.

The package includes: 

  • Ability to configure demo data within the following Salesforce objects:
    • Opportunity
    • Account
    • Contact
  • Pre-defined Reports 
  • Pre-defined Dashboards 

Installing the Walnut App

Locate the Walnut App in Salesforce's AppExchange Market. Then click Get It Now. 

Once you log in to your Salesforce account, determine where you'd like to install the package. You can install Walnut into your Production or Sandbox environment. 

After selecting your environment, click Confirm and Install.

We recommend installing the Walnut app for all users. 

Be sure to approve Third-Party access and then press continue

Click done and you will be redirected to the installed packages page, where the New App will appear. Some users may see the following message indicating that the app is taking a long time to install. In those cases, you will get an email notification once everything is completed. 

Once you have the Walnut App installed, you will want to be sure to grant user permissions


Alternatively, you can also begin by logging into your Salesforce account.

Click on the settings gear in the top right corner and enter the Setup Page. 

Use the Quick Find search bar in the left corner to lookup and open the AppExchange Marketplace. 

Search for Walnut and then click Get it Now to begin installing the app. 



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